Time Capsule: It Was 30 Years Ago This Week

My Date Every Weekend

While I was growing up, I thought Casey Kasem had the best job in the world. I was fascianated by the Billboard charts and loved to listen to American Top 40. All of my family and friends had to arrange their schedules around my ability to listen to Casey’s show each weekend. (Okay, I was an obsessive kid…) I learned my love of trivia and pop culture from these shows, and my head is still full of the facts, figures, and fables Casey shared.

Each week, in celebration of those days, Music and Meaning will note the Billboard champs from 30 years ago. Why 30? It’s my nostalgia, of course. The music I most associate with growing up is the hits of the early 80s. Join me every Saturday (give or take) as we revisit them.

And remember, “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!”

RELATED: I also wrote this celebration of Casey after his death in June 2014 and this rebuttal to a critic who seriously underestimated the power of AT40.

PS: As of August 5, 2016, I am no longer writing regular posts for this blog, including Time Capsules. After five years, I find my time and focus are needed elsewhere. I will post occassionally when inspired. Thanks for reading and listening!

About Robert Hulshof-Schmidt
Freelance writer, researcher, online comic vendor, and project manager. Fan of a wide range of music -- especially folk and 80s pop -- vintage comics, British TV, and LGBT fiction.

2 Responses to Time Capsule: It Was 30 Years Ago This Week

  1. I just stumbled on your blog and it’s good to know there are more people like me. I also spent enormous amounts of time listening to Casey Kasem on the 80s, weekly following Billboard’s Hot 100. I actually do the same as you do (in a much more subdued way): every week I post my “flashback of the week” on Facebook, chosen also from 30 yrs ago… Funny.

    I am not sure if I can subscribe (and how) to get e-mails from your blog to remember checking it everytime you post something. If you can please let me know, it’d be great


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